FREE and Inexpensive Rabbit Agility Equipment

If you look around there are items you can find for FREE to use for Rabbit Agility. What are some of those items?
Be Green! Recycle, Re-Purpose/Repupose, Reuse! If you live on a Farm or Ranch we all call it "Junk Around the Farm/Ranch".
Car Wash Barrels; Even the 30 gallon barrels can be used. Look around at photo to gain ideas at how useful a Barrel can be. They can be used as is for some of the Agility Equipment and drilled to make other types.
Wood From Work Sites;
Many times when Public Places add on, or do some work around the buildings you might find perfectly good pieces of lumber in the trash cans. Ask first. Make sure the wood is good before removing it. Make sure it is large enough for what you want to use it for. You might also find Orange Fencing that could be used for one thing or another.

Old Tarps
Many times people have an Old Tarp laying around. Just make sure that if it has holes in it that a foot could get stuck inside of, you trim it down.
Both of these Closed Tunnels were DIY crafted using FREE Barrels that were going to be trashed, and Tarps that were "laying around the farm", folded and waiting for their next job.
Logs and Branches
Logs and Branches can be used for Jumps, to Hold the Tarp.
Make sure these come off your own property or that you have permission to gather them.
If you are cutting these off YOUR OWN trees, make sure you know what you are doing. Keep it safe.
Old Hoses
Old Hoses can be cut and made into Hula Hoop Sized Hoops to Stand in. This could become your Pause Box.
Car, Truck and Bicycle Tires
Old Tires can be made for many things in Rabbit Agility Equipment. From Pedestals to Jumps to Stands for Equipment. You can dig them into the ground and use them, this way too, for Jumps, Weave Equipment, Tunnels and more...and you will not have a place for bugs to breed.
Tires can be fun and very useful. Just keep in mind that old tires, laid on the sides, hold water/rain and when the sun heats them this is where Mosquitoes and other insects like to lay there eggs.
Wooden Shipping Pallets
Look For Wooden Pallets that will work for your Rabbit Agility. Many companies receive shipments on them and will be so happy if you haul them away.
Wooden Pallets, soooo much you can do with them, make with them, decorate with them. But for the average Wooden Pallet... you could take them apart and use the wood to build all types of Pieces Of Rabbit Agility Equipment.
You could also make an Arena/fenced in area with upright Wooden Pallets, it will take some work, and might not look that nice when you are finished, but you could use them for this.
Do NOT Steal Traffic Cones!
Traffic Cones are used in Construction Areas for the Public's Safety. DO NOT REMOVE THEM! Imagine how terrible you would feel if your own family member or friend were hurt or killed because you thought it would be alright to steal "a few cones" from the Roadway.
Even those Traffic Cones set off to the side of the road, when the work is completed, belong to someone else. They are NOT left there for people to Steal for their own use.
You can now easily and affordable buy Sports Cones. Check on line, some are shipped for free now.

Hula Hoops
Did you know you can still purchase Hula Hoops, here in the USA that is, for $1 each? Yes. You can. Try the Dollar Tree. While you are there, look around. You might be surprised what you will find.
Pool Noodles
I bought my Pool Noodles when I was at the Dollar Store looking for something else. When I saw them, for $1 each, I bought them. They seem to sell very quickly, there is so much you can do with them, and I wanted to get them ALL in the Lime Green to match my Horse and other Agility Courses.
These can be used to make so many types of Animal Agility Equipment. Not only are these inexpensive, they are pretty safe to use with Animal, of any species, Agility Equipment as a foundation or for cross bars on a Jump.

Fence Jumps
I bought these, inexpensively, at a large Hardware Store. They work well for cats or rabbits or puppies and small dogs, as well as ferrets.
You might want to by two of each Jump you would like to set up to make the Fence Jump wider so that your cat does not try to avoid going over and run right next to these jumps.
Holiday Themed Course Items
Have Fun and mark the Seasons with Holiday Items on your Agility Course. You can find inexpensive items at many stores, including, again, the Dollar, I don't work there or own stock in the store.....I probably should.

Small Sports Cones
Small Sports Cones are better than NO Cones. Small Sports Cones can not only be used for Weaving, but also to mark areas.
I bought these, in the photo, 2 for $1 at The Dollar Tree. I really should get paid for all the advertising I do for them. <winks>
Traffic Cones when used correctly, that is items build sturdy and strong, can be used for Weave Polls, Jumps, marking off an area (from people) and more, on an Agility Course.
Wood For Building
Many of the Hardware Stores have a place they put "not so perfect" wood pieces. Some large, some not. Many times they sell these for pennies on the dollar. There is no reason a lot of this wood could not be used to make Jumps or other Agility Equipment.
The contents of this page for FREE and In is will remain under construction. Please check back often.
-- The Rabbit Agility Team Thu, 25 Aug 2016 11:21:27 -0400